Replacing Expectations with Goals

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

When I hear the word, expectations, I feel my defensive thinking taking over. Excitement about possibilities is replaced with fear of disappointing others. My priorities shift from proactive problem solving to reactive damage control. Conversations feel less like opportunities for co-creation and growth and more like tests of my individual abilities.

When bound to predefined expectations, responding quickly and collaboratively to new knowledge unearthed along the way becomes an act of rebellion. Expectations treat us like robots, demanding consistent output and discounting our ability to learn. In our fast changing, modern world, consistency is unrealistic and learning is a must.

The only way to aim high in an ambiguous world without setting ourselves up for disappointment is to accept that things won’t always go as we envision. We can’t accurately predict how long it will take to climb a mountain when the terrain is out of view. While it can be temporarily reassuring to delegate ambiguous tasks, our best chance of getting them done is if we work together. Incentivizing collaboration and agility requires giving credit based on what people actually end up doing rather than outdated predictions about who would do what and how.

Unlike expectations, goals empower us to chase our “why” without getting caught up in the “how.” They empower us to aim high without triggering relationship straining blame games when things don’t go our way. They empower us to try in the face of doubt. They empower us to harness the resilience that separates us humans from machines.

Call to action: What expectations can you replace with goals?



Enigmas Next Door (aka Tara Raj)

How we work, learn & even connect feels inhuman, like we're trying to impress bots 🤖 Humanizing products, communities & processes starts with understanding 💜